Website Maintenance

A$100.00 A$100.00 (Per Hour)

Best Website maintenance service in Melbourne Australia to optimize your website and improve SEO for your online business.

Are you running a website that needs maintenance? We are here to help you. Our company is based in Melbourne, Australia and we provide website maintenance services. Our goal is to give you a fully well-structured website.


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We offer a dedicated Website Maintenance service to favor small businesses across Melbourne, Australia and in all part of the World. This includes Updating, Maintaining and improving your website by using the right Marketing strategies.

It is a fact that technology changes quickly as time goes on and the old methods no longer work. Therefore, it is important to adapt quickly to the current trend so as to be up to date. This is where our service comes handy.

We will set up your website for daily backup processes, security optimization, Monitoring performances and in other areas.

In addition to developing your website, below are some of the benefits of website maintenance;


1. Security Improvement & Malware Removal

This involves conducting proper scanning of your website to detect malware and security flaws. Basically, we will handle security related issues on your behalf without any form of delay.


2. Daily Backup Processes

It is recommended that any only business do a regular backup so as to minimize lost of data in cases where a website is hacked or attacked. Moreover taking backups of your website files and database will make your business secure.


3. SEO Keyword Research

Our duty is to monitor and research your niche's keyword which is the idea behind a successful SEO venture. This SEO technique has proven to work over and over again to help your website to rank better and improve exposure of your online business.


4. Website Updates

Our web development team will update your website and Software packages to ensure that your website is running the latest version as per up to date security recommendation.


5. Common Website Issues fixes

With our quick support system, we are able to render support to you whenever you reach as we work around the clock.


6. Website Responsiveness across all devices

Our experienced web developers will work on your website design to improve the responsiveness on all devices as this will meet users experience.


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