How to use lsof command in Linux ?


The lsof command is a powerful and useful tool for analyzing open files, ports, and processes in Linux. It allows users to view information about files that are in use, as well as the processes and users that are utilizing them. 

Here at Fixwebnode, we shall look into the basics of using lsof in Linux.


How to use lsof ?

Lsof stands for "list of open files" and is a command line tool used to view information about open files, ports, and processes in Linux. It can be used to view information about the user that is using the file, the process that is using it, and the file name. It can also be used to find out what ports a process is using, or what files a process has open.

The basic syntax for using lsof is as follows:

$ lsof [options] [files or processes]


lsof command Options

There are many options that can be used with lsof, depending on the type of information you are trying to view. Here are a few of the most commonly used options:

  • -u: View information about a specific user
  • -p: View information about a specific process
  • -c: View information about a specific command
  • -i: View information about a specific port
  • -n: View information about a specific file



Practical Examples of using lsof command

1. View Information About a Specific User: 
$ lsof -u username

This command will display information about all the open files, ports, and processes being used by the user specified.


2. View Information About a Specific Process: 
$ lsof -p pid

This command will display information about all the open files, ports, and processes being used by the specified process.


3. View Information About a Specific Command: 
$ lsof -c command

This command will display information about all the open files, ports, and processes being used by the specified command.


4. View Information About a Specific Port: 
$ lsof -i port

This command will display information about all the open files, ports, and processes being used by the specified port.


5. View Information About a Specific File: 
$ lsof filename

This command will display information about all the open files, ports, and processes being used by the specified file.


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