Steps to create a Minecraft server on - Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS Linux Server.

Linux Tutorials

Do you need to set up Minecraft server on your own server? Our Server Experts can help you today.

Minecraft is successful sandbox video game. Basically, Users can start their own server by using a hosting provider so they can have their server run 24/7 without any interruptions. 

Here at Fixwebnode, as part of our Server Management Services, we regularly help our customers to install and configure Software or Packages on their Servers.


In this context we shall look into how to set up Minecraft Server on their own private server.


How to prepare your server for Minecraft Server?

Java Edition installation on CentOS 7?

We shall set up Minecraft with minimal configurations which will be seen below.

To start with, you need to Log into your Server via an SSH tool such as Putty with the command below as shown below;

$ ssh username@ipaddress

Next, you have to update the system packages and its dependencies in CentOS repositories to the latest versions with the command below;

$ yum -y upgrade

After updating the system, check it to see if Java is already installed otherwise you can install or renew to the latest version. To check the version installed, use the command below;

$ java -version

In most cases, you will get an output such as the following if java is not installed;

-bash: java: command not found

This shows that Java is not installed. 

There are two different implementation of Java. They are;

i. OpenJDK

ii. Oracle Java


Basically, the two version of Java serves the same functions although Oracle Java have more commercial features and functions.

To install OpenJDK, use the command below;

$ yum -y install java-1.8.0 *

Then you can confirm that it has been installed with the command below;

$ java -version

To install Oracle Java, you can get it from Java's Official Download site here .

In the download page, Look out for the .rpm Oracle package. Also note that you have to register an account on Oracle website which is free to register.

Then , with an account, you can download the Java package with the command below;

$ wget http://jdk-VERSION-linux-x64.rpm

Note that above url in command is not the correct one on the official page of Oracle, so use the appropriate url as per your case.

After downloading it, use the command to install it;

$ yum localinstall jdk-VERSION-linux-x64.rpm

To start the Minecraft server, you need to install the on-screen application. Run the command below;

$ yum -y install screen

You have to create a window with a unique name your can easily remember such as "Minecraft". Run the following command;

$ screen -S "Minecraft"

To view the list of open windows in screen, run the command below;

$ screen -r

Then, enter the window name or ID in quotation marks give in the process of creation and switch to it.

To return to the primary console of the CentOS server, Press the keys ("Ctrl + a" and the "d") at the same time.


How to install Minecraft Server on CentOS 7?

To start with, create a directory for Minecraft in the home directory of your Server. Run the following commands;

$ cd /home
$ mkdir minecraft && cd minecraft

wget utility tool is required to download packages. Therefore, use the command below to install wget;

$ yum -y install wget

Now you can proceed with the download of Minecraft Server from Minecraft official website with the command below;

$ wget

Next you can start the Minecraft server with the command below;

$ java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar server.jar nogui

Here "-Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -" represents the allocated Ram on the server.

"-jar server.jar" signifies the file downloaded to start the server.

"nogui" Means that the server will start without a graphical interface.

Once you start Minecraft Server for the very first time, the system checks for existing Minecraft worlds as well as its configuration files. If it does not exist, then everything required will be automatically created. A world directory containing the recently created Minecraft map with some configuration files and a log file comes along with a new Minecraft Server Installation.

Sometimes, the application may fail at first launch. This is because the terms of the license agreement has not been accepted. To resolve this, simply edit the "eula.txt" file and accept the terms of the license agreement by replacing false with true.

After this process, the server will be started automatically and successfully.


How to install Minecraft Pocket Edition on Ubuntu/Debian Server?

On your Ubuntu 18.04 server, start by updating the system and its dependencies to the latest version in the repositories;

$ apt -y update && apt -y upgrade

So navigate to the home directory and create a new directory for the Minecraft Pocket Edition and change to the new directory with the command below;

$ mkdir PocketServer && cd PocketServer

Now you can download Minecraft Pocket Edition archive from the official website with the command below;

$ wget

Next, install the unzip utility to allow you unzip the downloaded file. Use the command below;

$ apt -y install unzip

You can unzip the downloaded archive with the command below;

$ unzip

Next, you can install screen to enable you start the Minecraft Server with the command below;

$ apt -y install screen

Now you can create a window with a unique and easy to remember name, lets say "MineCraftPE" with the command below;

$ screen -S "MineCraftPE"

To view the list of open windows in screen, run the command below;

$ screen -r

The window ID or name in quotation marks should be entered which was given during creation and then switch to it.

To start the Minecraft Server, run the command below;

LD_LIBRARY_PATH =. ./bedrock_server

Now you will see that the Server is running .

You can connect to it by using the Server's IP address and Minecraft port 19132.


Need support to install Minecraft Server on your own vps Server? We are available to help you today.



How to set up Minecraft Server on Ubuntu, Debian and CentOS. This article will help you to set up Minecraft Server on your own Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS vps Server.

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