How to fix a hacked website

Website issues Tutorials

Are you having troubles accessing your website? Is your website hacked? Our Website experts can fix it for you. 
Most webmasters discovers that they can no longer log into their website anymore, even though they try to use the correct login details.
Here at Fixwebnode, as part of our Website Support Services, we regularly help website owners recover their hacked website.
In this context, we shall look into the best way to go when your website is hacked.

What causes your website to be hacked easily?

The following factors show that attackers has taken over your website;
i. The Website Settings and configuration becomes incorrect.
ii. The entire Website has been hacked.
iii. The database of the Website is intercepted as a result of unexpected issues.
iv. The password to access the administrator account has been compromised.

What to do if your website has been hacked or compromised?

A hacked website means that unauthorized persons have gained access to it without your knowledge. To fix it, you need to take the following measures;
i. Start by consulting us via our official Hacked Website Repair area to enable us solve your Website problems. 
After this you can write us via our official Contact medium to inform us about your Website concerns.
Ensure that you are specific about the reason of contact such as your website has been hacked.
Also ask us to help you restore your website if possible.
ii. Ensure that you provide us with as much information about your Website information including the Server access details. Server root IP address and access information might be required.
We might also need your Hosting portal information as well as your Control panel details.
FTP information of the website is also required in most cases.
Also mention if you have a backup of your website database in case we need to restore it for you.

How to prevent your website from being hacked?

To minimize attacks that may lead to your website being hacked, you need to apply the following measures at all times;
i. Install a monitoring software on your server to help Monitor any updates in your Server or Content Management System (CMS).
ii. Be wary about suspicious CMS plugins. It is recommended that you only install plugins from their official repository.
iii. Never you leave your Website access data on the website or email that are not securely protected with a first grade security system such as Authenticator application.
iv. Ensure that you install an SSL certificate on your website and also renew an expired one to enjoy Security of your website.

Need to fix your hacked Website? We are available to help you today.



Steps to fix hacked website attacked by intruders. This article will guide you one how to fix your website if it has been hacked by an intruder.

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