Install R and RStudio on Fedora 37


R and RStudio are two popular open-source software packages that are used for statistical analysis, data visualization, and machine learning. R is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics, while RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R. 

Here at Fixwebnode, we shall look into how to install R and RStudio on Fedora 37.


What you need:

  • A server running one of the following operating systems: Fedora 37.
  • It's recommended that you use a fresh OS install to prevent any potential issues.
  • SSH access to the server (or just open Terminal if you're on a desktop).
  • An active internet connection. You’ll need an internet connection to download the necessary packages and dependencies for R Programming Language.
  • A non-root sudo useror access to the root user. We recommend acting as a non-root sudo user, however, as you can harm your system if you're not careful when acting as the root.



Steps to install R and RStudio on Fedora 37

1. Perform System Update

To begin, you need to update your Fedora operating system to make sure all existing packages are up to date. The below command will update the system:

$ sudo dnf upgrade
$ sudo dnf update


2. Install R Programming Language on the system

By default, R programming language package comes in the default Fedora 37 repository.

You need to run the below command to install R base package:

$ sudo dnf install R

After the installation is complete, you can verify the installation by entering the following command below:

$ R

This should open the console, where you can start working with R.


3. Install RStudio on the system

RStudio is available in the Fedora repository, and you can install it with the dnf command:

$ sudo dnf install rstudio-desktop


4. How to Access RStudio on Fedora Linux ?

After installation, you can launch it by entering the following command rstudio in a terminal:

$ rstudio

Alternatively, you can launch RStudio from the application menu in your desktop environment.


How to To Uninstall RStudio from your Linux system ?

Run the below command to remove RStudio from your Linux system depending on the Distribution.

For Debian/Ubuntu:

$ sudo apt-get remove rstudio

For CentOS/RedHat/Fedora:

$ sudo rpm -e rstudio

After uninstalling RStudio, your personalized settings are preserved in the RStudio-Desktop directory. This remains on your system in case you decide to reinstall RStudio. 

If you wish to delete this hidden directory, it is stored in the following locations.

The user's home directory ~/.rstudio-desktop or ~/.local/share/rstudio for v1.3 and later


This guide covers the process of installing R and RStudio on your Fedora 37 system. In fact, R is an open-source programming language that is widely used for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical representation of data.

While RStudio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that provides an intuitive interface for R users.

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